Madison Minchin, a "Creativeskater", for November/December 2008
By: Elizabeth Hollett Shackett
Madison Minchin started figure skating when she was only a year old, and took her first skating lesson with me at age 2. Figure Skating is a family affair for her since she was practically born into the sport: her grandmother, 2 older cousins, and great aunt have been or are still actively involved in figure skating.
At age 6, this first-grader comes to each skating lesson with a passion to learn and is always eager to perform. Madison is an animated and expressive figure skater who often creates her own programs by improvising to whatever music is playing in the rink. It’s obvious that figure skating gives her freedom of expression and boosts her self-esteem.
Madison’s grandmother plays a central role in her life on and off the ice. Joan Giblin, a.k.a. Gram, brings her to the rink, secures coaching and ice time, and is Madison’s biggest figure skating fan.
I have choreographed a variety of programs for her ranging from “The Little Mermaid,” “Jump & Move,” to “Supercalafragislisticexpialodocious,” and “Curtain Time.”
Madison is my youngest competitor to date that has competed in the State Games of America, a national grassroots figure skating competition. She was only 5 years old!
Madison’s Upcoming Events:
November 2008: Diamond State Autumn Skate Competition, Wilmington, DE
January 2009: Keystone State Games, York, PA